#!/bin/sh # plot_graph.cgi derived from index.cgi #Decode query string IFS="&" for QUERY_PARTS in $QUERY_STRING; do QKEY="`echo $QUERY_PARTS | cut -d '=' -f 1`" QVAL="`echo $QUERY_PARTS | cut -d '=' -f 2`" eval "`httpd -d "$QKEY"`=\"`httpd -d "$QVAL"`\"" #disable next line for Sweex - keep for Slug eval "$QKEY=\"$QVAL\"" done # when the page is first opened load the text from pg-default.sh # the pg-xxxxx.sh page is addressed like -> # index.cgi?page=xxxxxsend&string=HARRY # or even index.cgi?page=xxxxxsend&string1=HARRY&string2=MARY # (and as many strings as you want) # so the values of both page and string are sent to this script # thus if page=rs232send the script we run will be pg-rs232send.sh # has the variable page been given a value? if [ -e "pg-$page.sh" ]; then inc="./pg-$page.sh" # if not then show the default text else inc="./pg-default.sh" page="default" fi echo "Content-type: text/html" echo #send web_page_top.html which is the first part of the html page #use this for all projects - some browsers reject other structures cat webpage_top.html . $inc #get the system date and time and present them in a new format datestring=`date` dateonly=`expr substr $datestring 1 10` timeonly=`expr substr $datestring 12 8` with seconds display timeonly=`expr substr $datestring 12 5` yearonly=`expr substr $datestring 25 4` timedate=$timeonly" "$dateonly echo "
" echo "
"$timedate echo "
NSLU2 uptime: `cat /proc/uptime | cut -d ' ' -f 1` seconds.
" # now finish the html cat webpage_bottom.html