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ESP8266 and MQTT pulse counter for a beehive

- more notes for backup and a bad memory - -
These notes will be upgraded at random times
This first hack is WORKING but not yet tidy, , , ,

Objective - measure the activity of a bee hive.
Perhaps receive an alarm when they swarm.

Method - count the bees in a time window passing in front of an infra-red proximity detector
send to my MQTT broker then grab the data for other programs to process

This gives out pulses when the receive LED sees a reflection from an object.
The diodes will be placed near a beehive entrance to detect bees coming and going.
It can detect a (dead!) bee at up to about 7 cm - plenty near the hive entrance - but not tested yet in the field!

I have an MQTT broker (Mosquitto) running on a Raspberry Pi on my LAN

This sketch will run on an ESP8266 -01 I have the output from the IR detector connected to GPIO2
I hoped to use GPIO0 as well but it has yet to work - later!

The sketch is based on
(many thanks)

It is hacked here and there and has yet to be cleaned up, but it works and this is my latest working backup - more later!!
published to Mosquitto as sensors/beecount

NB! There are differentl versions of pubsubclient - this is a backup of the one I used - see - ( - - - thanks!)



* Simple pulse counter which sends data over MQTT.
* This coutner uses interrupts on 2 pins - I have two water meters attached to ESP8266
* via simplest LM393 comparator circuit
* It is "talk-only" client.
* It sends out data every 10 seconds by default.
* It keeps adding pulses until succesful connection.
* MQTT Message consists of
* P1, P2 - number of pulses counted since last succesful connection to server
* Sec - period during which we collected P1 and P2, seconds.
* Per - number of base periods we collected data for. >1 if we failed to connect to server last time
* Up - ESP8266 uptime
* Copyright (C) 2016 Anton Viktorov <>
* This library is free software. You may use/redistribute it under The MIT License terms.
#include <Arduino.h>

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>

extern "C" {
#include "user_interface.h"

const char CompileDate[] = __DATE__ " " __TIME__;

#define WIFI_LED_PIN 5 // LED on when connected to Wifi
#define PULSE_PIN1 0 // P1
#define PULSE_PIN2 2 // P2


#define SENSOR_FAMILY "ESP8266" // final sensor name for MQTT will be SENSOR_FAMILY-SENSOR_NAME-SENSOR_ID
#define SENSOR_NAME "beecount" // default values give: "ESP8266-water-1"
#define SENSOR_ID "1"

//#define MAX_MQTT_FAILURES_BEFORE_REBOOT 10 //not used

#define DEBOUNCE_MS 20 //debouncing for interrupts

const char *Ssid = "BTHub6-xxxx"; // cannot be longer than 32 characters! there also might be an issue with connection if SSID is less than 8 chars
const char *Pass = "xxxxxxxx"; //
char MqttServer[] = ""; // address of your MQTT Server
unsigned int MqttPort = 1883; // MQTT port number. default is 1883

char MqttTopic[] = "sensors/" SENSOR_NAME;
//char MqttTopicIn[] = "sensors-control/" SENSOR_NAME; // mqtt callback not implemented

volatile unsigned int Pulses1 = 0;
volatile unsigned int PulsesLast1 = 0;
volatile unsigned int PulsesKept1 = 0;

volatile unsigned int Pulses2 = 0;
volatile unsigned int PulsesLast2 = 0;
volatile unsigned int PulsesKept2 = 0;

volatile unsigned int PulsesPeriods = 0;

unsigned int MqttFailures = 0;

void mqttCallback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) {
Serial.println("mqtt callback invoked. not implemented.");

WiFiClient WifiClient;
PubSubClient MqttClient(MqttServer, MqttPort, mqttCallback, WifiClient);

volatile unsigned long LastMicros1;
void pulseHandler1() {
if((long)(micros() - LastMicros1) >= DEBOUNCE_MS * 1000) {
Pulses1 = Pulses1 + 1;
LastMicros1 = micros();

volatile unsigned long LastMicros2;
void pulseHandler2() {
if((long)(micros() - LastMicros2) >= DEBOUNCE_MS * 1000) {
Pulses2 = Pulses2 + 1;
LastMicros2 = micros();

os_timer_t myTimer;
bool tickOccured;

void timerCallback(void *pArg) {
PulsesLast1 = Pulses1;
PulsesKept1 += Pulses1;
Pulses1 = 0;

PulsesLast2 = Pulses2;
PulsesKept2 += Pulses2;
Pulses2 = 0;


tickOccured = true;

void timerInit(void) {
os_timer_setfn(&myTimer, timerCallback, NULL);
os_timer_arm(&myTimer, 1000 * 10 * SAMPLE_MINUTES, true);

void setup() {
Serial.print("Simple MQTT Pulse counter (C) Anton Viktorov,, "); Serial.println(CompileDate);
Serial.print("Server: ");Serial.print(MqttServer);Serial.print(" Topic: "); Serial.println(MqttTopic);


// pinMode(4, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(15, INPUT_PULLUP);
// pinMode(12, INPUT_PULLUP);
// pinMode(13, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(14, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(16, INPUT_PULLDOWN_16);

//digitalWrite(WIFI_LED_PIN, LOW);

attachInterrupt(PULSE_PIN1, pulseHandler1, RISING);

attachInterrupt(PULSE_PIN2, pulseHandler2, RISING);

tickOccured = false;
//void delay500() {
// for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
// delay(10);
// yield();
// }

void loop() {
if (tickOccured == true) {
Serial.print("Tick occured. Pulses kept so far: ");

String payload = "{\"d\":{\"N\":\"" SENSOR_NAME "-" SENSOR_ID "\"";
payload += "\"P1\":";
payload += PulsesKept1;
payload += "\"P2\":";
payload += PulsesKept2;
payload += "\"Sec\":";
payload += PulsesPeriods * 10 * SAMPLE_MINUTES;
payload += "\"Per\":";
payload += PulsesPeriods;
payload += "\"Up\":";
payload += ((unsigned long)millis()/1000);
payload += "}}";



String payload = "";
// payload += "\"P1\":";
payload += PulsesKept1;
payload += " ";
payload += PulsesKept2;
// payload += "\"Sec\":";
// payload += PulsesPeriods * 10 * SAMPLE_MINUTES;
// payload += "\"Per\":";
// payload += PulsesPeriods;
// payload += "\"Up\":";
// payload += ((unsigned long)millis()/1000);
// payload += "}}";


if (MqttClient.publish(MqttTopic, (char*) payload.c_str())) {
Serial.println("mqtt publish ok");
PulsesPeriods = 0;
PulsesKept1 = 0;
PulsesKept2 = 0;
} else {
Serial.println("mqtt publish fail");

// MqttFailures++; // not sure why I wanted to do this :) so I commented this out later
// Serial.println("too many mqtt failures, rebooting");
// ESP.reset();
// }
if (MqttClient.connected()) {
Serial.println("mqtt connection still up");
} else {
Serial.println("mqtt connection down");
if (MqttClient.connect("ESP8266-" SENSOR_NAME "-" SENSOR_ID)) {

tickOccured = false;

digitalWrite(WIFI_LED_PIN, 0);

if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.print("Connecting to ");
// digitalWrite(WIFI_LED_PIN, 1);
// delay500();
// digitalWrite(WIFI_LED_PIN, 0);
// delay500();
WiFi.begin(Ssid, Pass);

if (WiFi.waitForConnectResult() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.println("WiFi connected");
} else {
digitalWrite(WIFI_LED_PIN, 1);

if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) {
if (!MqttClient.connected()) {
if (MqttClient.connect(SENSOR_FAMILY "-" SENSOR_NAME "-" SENSOR_ID)) {
MqttClient.publish("welcome",SENSOR_FAMILY "-" SENSOR_NAME "-" SENSOR_ID);
Serial.println("MQTT connected");
// MqttClient.subscribe(MqttTopicIn);

if (MqttClient.connected())


I found few examples of SIMPLE code to record MQTT output data to a file for further processing.

This works. Blassic basic is used to glue various scripts together and capture the data.

mosquitto_sub -v -t 'sensors/beecount' -C 1
grabs the data once and then (because it includes
-C 1) closes

A ramdisk is set up at boot time and used to save the SD card

' /home/pi/mqtt-test/mqtt_beecount1.bas


' remove the last stored data
SHELL "sudo rm /var/www/html/ramdisk/mqtt_beecount_out.txt"

' grab the data from the MQTT broker on the computer running this program
' -C 1 means shut down the client after one data grab
' save the data to the ramdisk to save the flash
SHELL "mosquitto_sub -v -t 'sensors/beecount' -C 1 > /var/www/html/ramdisk/mqtt_beecount_out.txt"

OPEN "/var/www/html/ramdisk/mqtt_beecount_out.txt" FOR INPUT AS #1 : INPUT #1, mqtt_beecount_out$ : CLOSE #1

PRINT "MQTT beecount is - ", mqtt_beecount_out$

PAUSE 1000

GOTO GoAgain ' (then wait till new data arrives)


' note the # means get all the MQTT data received - for testing
' SHELL "mosquitto_sub -v -t '#' -C 1 > /var/www/html/ramdisk/mqtt_out.txt"

The printout looks like

MQTT beecount is - sensors/beecount 0 0
MQTT beecount is - sensors/beecount 0 21
MQTT beecount is - sensors/beecount 0 9
MQTT beecount is - sensors/beecount 0 35

So now I will be able to feed it into graph in a webpage - - - - - -soon.



Please email me if you want to swap notes